Pemerintah Bubarkan FPI?

Dari cerita mitologi Yunani, kita mengenal suatu mahluk yang dinamai Hydra, yaitu monster ular berkepala banyak yang kepalanya tumbuh setiap kali ditebas.

Begitu pula ideologi atau organisasi. Melarang suatu ideologi/organisasi seringkali bukanlah berujung meredam, melainkan membuatnya makin menjalar atau bertumbuh di tempat lain.

Akhirnya pemerintah membubarkan FPI berdasarkan 6 alasan, antara lain karena:

  • Isi anggaran dasar FPI dinyatakan bertentangan dengan Pasal 2 Undang-undang Ormas
  • Surat Keterangan Terdaftar (SKT) FPI sebagai ormas berlaku sampai 20 Juni 2019 dan sampai saat ini belum memenuhi syarat untuk memperpanjang SKT.

Apa yang terjadi? FPI mempertimbangkan mengganti nama. Terbukti kan, ganti pita kaset tapi isinya masih lagu yang lama juga? :p

Mungkin dalam hal ini pemerintah bisa belajar dari zaman Orde Baru, soal partai “itu”. Nah sayang kejadian ini di bulan Desember. Coba seandainya di bulan September, nah kan momennya lebih…. “pas”


Wonder Woman 1984

Dude, they gave Max Lord too much power boost.

The Max Lord I know frow the comics is mind-controlling dude.

Not in the same league with X-Men’s Prof X, though. Probably Lord is much weaker. And now? He has the ability to grant anyone’s wish… but with a catch: you gain a thing AND lose something else. Think The Wishmaster. What will happen if all the wishes from both good and bad guys are granted? Yep you got the idea: chaos.

Cheetah, BTW, had to potential but urmm… “missed” it. And no I’m not talking about her bad CGI.

And actually I’m still unsure what this movie is trying to aim for.

Sonya Blade 25 Years Later

I believe many 90’s kids (people who spent their childhood in the 90s) certainly still remember Mortal Kombat 3, which was released 25 years ago.

Kerri Ann Hoskins (the model who portrayed Sonya Blade) posted this on her Instagram account:

Whoa. Kerri is now probably 50 years old, and well she doesn’t seem to age.

OK, she does look aged, just a liiiitle bit though. And I’d say for a 50-years old lady, she still looks impressive.

BTW, I just said “….25 years ago”, did I? Man I start to feel old.

Sad October 2020

This month is definitely a very sad month for music fans.

7 days ago, Francis “Rocco” Prestia left us after battling various illness.

And yesterday, well it was Eddie Van Halen.

UNITED KINGDOM – OCTOBER 22: RAINBOW THEATRE Photo of Eddie VAN HALEN and VAN HALEN, Eddie Van Halen performing on stage (Photo by Fin Costello/Redferns)

And oh, Neil Peart left us at the beginning of this year. Very sad indeed.

RIP Om Iwan Soesilo

Dua hari lalu, Senin 28 September 2020, ada kabar dukacita untuk para penggemar fotografi di Indonesia.

Om Iwan Soesilo (pemilik tempat servis/jual beli kamera “INDOCAMERA Kemang”) pergi meninggalkan kita karena sakit. Om Iwan adalah salah satu ahli reparasi kamera terbaik di Jakarta. Beliau tidak asing di kalangan pengguna kamera Eropa seperti Leica, Hasselblad, Rollei.

Di Jakarta, saya baru menjumpai satu orang ahli reparasi kamera yang memiliki sertifikat pelatihan resmi dari Hasselblad, dan orang itu tak lain tak bukan adalah Om Iwan.

Dulu kamera Hasselblad 500 CM saya macet, dan Om Iwanlah yang benar-benar memperbaiki kamera itu dengan akurat, tidak macet lagi.

Selamat jalan Om Iwan.

Farewell Olympus (??)

Two days ago, Olympus released a shocking announcement:

Take note that the memorandum doesn’t mention anything about bankruptcy at all. Olympus just sold their camera division to another company (JIP), who are going to make profit out of this investment. In shorter words: change of ownership. Of course the normal response is how JIP is going to do that? Good point. We’ll see in a few years, perhaps. Hopefully it will be good, more or less like what happened to Thinkpad after it had been bought by Lenovo.

Unlike Nikon/Canon/Fuji/<insert any Japanese camera manufactur here>, Olympus have been consistent in making nice compact cameras for decades. This is my Olympus OM2, which is smaller than any Leica M or Nikon F body.

Sadly they quit the camera business after 84 years. Will we see now Olympus cameras in the future? Who knows….