This Suicide Squad movie, unlike the previous one, definitely has Guardian of The Galaxy’s vibe on it. Thanks James Gunn. And of course much more bloody. Nom nom! Yep me likey!
Category Archives: Personal Note
Two Bassists Left Us Today
Different year, though. John Entwistle in 2002. And Chris Squire in 2012. Both were very influential rock bassists. And Englishmen. And twangy players.
Friends The Reunion: 17 Years Later
The last episode was aired on 2004. As a 90s kid, I’m happy to see that “Friends” are still “Friends”. They are just taking some breaks. Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe only look slightly older. Joey is… well… a bit fat :p And 17 years ago also mean I’m not a youngster anymore. Ouch.
May the Force be with you
Today is May 4th. And thus, the obligatory “Happy Star Wars Day” post.
Godzilla vs. Kong
Kinda epic fight at the end. But too short. And plenty of boring teen jokes. Oh wait, the movie is rated R13. Ouch.
Teroris dan Agama??
Beberapa hari lalu terjadi pengeboman bunuh diri di Gereja Katedral Makassar. Setiap kali terjadi peristiwa serupa, selalu saja muncul statement-statement seperti ini di media sosial: “Teroris itu tidak beragama” “Ini bukan masalah agama, tapi oknum” “Si X itu mungkin tidak belajar agama dengan benar…” “Kami mengutukan aksi pengeboman…” Berhubung kata bapak presiden RI “terorisme tidak …
See You Later, Kinokuniya Plaza Senayan
It’s said that all good things must come to and end. After more than 2 decades of service, finally Kinokuniya Plaza Senayan reaches its end. I’ve been a regular customer since junior high school days (umm… 2000 perhaps?). Spent countless hours there reading books. OK, not a “regular customer” yet at the time, because most …
Justice League Snyder Cut
Overall, it doesn’t change my general impression about that movie, which is between unimpressed and slightly disappointed. Nevertheless, this edition shows us some interesting details. “Oh hello there flying green man” Yes, the original movie also portrayed a member of the Green Lantern Corps. But his face wasn’t clear enough. Instead of Steppenwolf, Darkseid is …
Dua Berita Soal Vaksinasi
Yang satu di Singapura, yang satu lagi di Indonesia. Dua negara yang bertetangga. Yang di Singapura: Singkat, langsung ke sasaran. Tidak pakai basa-basi. Sementara yang di Indonesia: Yaa diberi sedikit bumbu biar agak dramatis. Ehehehe….
Pemerintah Bubarkan FPI?
Dari cerita mitologi Yunani, kita mengenal suatu mahluk yang dinamai Hydra, yaitu monster ular berkepala banyak yang kepalanya tumbuh setiap kali ditebas. Begitu pula ideologi atau organisasi. Melarang suatu ideologi/organisasi seringkali bukanlah berujung meredam, melainkan membuatnya makin menjalar atau bertumbuh di tempat lain. Akhirnya pemerintah membubarkan FPI berdasarkan 6 alasan, antara lain karena: Isi anggaran …