Yesterday, 47 Years Ago

Yeah yeah I know, 1 day late.

So 47 years ago, a female DJ at a radio station decided to play an unknown Canadian band’s track on air.

Well, I get up at seven, yeah
And I go to work at nine
I got no time for livin’
Yes, I’m workin’ all the time…

And the rest is history 🙂

Teroris dan Agama??

Beberapa hari lalu terjadi pengeboman bunuh diri di Gereja Katedral Makassar. Setiap kali terjadi peristiwa serupa, selalu saja muncul statement-statement seperti ini di media sosial:

  • “Teroris itu tidak beragama”
  • “Ini bukan masalah agama, tapi oknum”
  • “Si X itu mungkin tidak belajar agama dengan benar…”
  • “Kami mengutukan aksi pengeboman…”

Berhubung kata bapak presiden RI “terorisme tidak ada hubungannya dengan agama apapun”, kita asumsikan saja dulu bahwa teroris itu atheis/agnostik/skeptik/antitheis/pastafarian/apapun itu istilahnya. Pertanyaan pertama yang muncul adalah: “apa motivasi mereka melakukan bom bunuh diri?”

Entah. Mereka kan tidak percaya dengan afterlife. Jadi begitu mati ya sudah. Selesai. Tamat riwayat. Tidak ada imbalan yang diperoleh. Berbeda dengan umat beragama yang memang percaya dengan afterlife, dan tindakan-tindakan tertentu yang kelak diganjar dengan pahala disana (hmmm…. :mrgree:).

Jadi kalaupun membom, ya lakukan saja dari jarak jauh. Nggak perlu ikutan mati. Itulah yang Tim McVeigh dan Unabomber lakukan.

Secara prinsip/ideologi, rasanya terlalu naif bilang kalau “teroris itu tidak beragama” atau “teroris ngga ada hubungannya dengan agama”.

Anders Behring Breivik
Keluarga pelaku bom Surabaya 2018


See You Later, Kinokuniya Plaza Senayan

It’s said that all good things must come to and end.

After more than 2 decades of service, finally Kinokuniya Plaza Senayan reaches its end.

I’ve been a regular customer since junior high school days (umm… 2000 perhaps?). Spent countless hours there reading books. OK, not a “regular customer” yet at the time, because most of the books were simply unaffordable for students :mrgreen:

Until this day, I personally see Kinokuniya as the most happy comfort place in Plaza Senayan. Once you open a book, it’s difficult to stop reading and going to the next ones.

Yea COVID-19 sucks. Hopefully after this pandemic ends, Kinokuniya Plaza Senayan will be re-opened.

Justice League Snyder Cut

Overall, it doesn’t change my general impression about that movie, which is between unimpressed and slightly disappointed. Nevertheless, this edition shows us some interesting details.

“Oh hello there flying green man”

Flying green man

Yes, the original movie also portrayed a member of the Green Lantern Corps. But his face wasn’t clear enough.

Instead of Steppenwolf, Darkseid is shown as the main conqueror here.

THE Big Bad Guy

And speaking about Steppenwold, I like his shiny armor here. Kinda resembles Asgardian’s Destroyer.

And in the end the movie, we see another flying green man. Hello J’onn J’onzz. Well, this is a nice addition.

Ah wait, another nice addition. What the hell is Joker doing here? Why Batman teams up with him, Deathstroke, Mera, Flash, Cyborg, etc? Ahh just a knightmare. So this is a possible scenario if somehow Darkseid wins the war? Hmm…